"I loved the practicality of this course. It all makes sense, but some of the things that were taught were things I'd never thought of doing!"
"I loved the course because unlike many I've done this one has a lot of practical component with demonstrations, it has a lot of support material provided by you with everything summarized, you guide us step by step through the entire intervention."

"I am in my 30th year as an SLP and the last 15 years where 'play based' programs have been the focus I will admit I struggled with the 'how'. Within the first module I had a lightbulb moment - all the therapy sessions I felt the most successful with followed the idea of specific targets in repetition based on the toy I was playing with! I think as SLPs we over think and feel the pressure (goals, parents, bosses and ourselves). What I love about your course is (well everything!) but the concrete examples and support materials rock. I think a new grad would have a major advantage with this information under their belt and for the dinosaurs like me it gives reassurance and wonderful new ideas to pop me out of some ruts :)"
"The play based therapy course has been brilliant. I have learned loads. Although I practise a lot of what you have been teaching, it has made me think about extending my input, using same toys for many more goals, following the lead more and allowing more movement in therapy. I am a huge fan of themes and am going to spend time organising my therapy room more effectively this summer. I have also started to use sensory bins. A great course - spread the word!"
"As an extremely seasoned Early Intervention clinician (22 Years In), I took a leap of faith and picked up 2 days in an outpatient clinic and have yet to feel like I have a grasp on what I am doing on most days. I am looking forward to starting themed based sessions that I can carry through each day with a variety of play partners! Thank you for the extensive time and commitment you have both put into this course, all of the modules, the handouts, the workbook, and your talent for engaging and thinking outside the box."
"This course is so wonderful! It is so comprehensive and touched upon all areas, even ones I didn't know I needed to learn about! You can tell how passionate Anna and Kiersten about what they do, and you can't help but love their videos. As a season SLP, I can't wait to start implementing the strategies and ideas I have learned into my therapy sessions!"
"I am so excited about this whole course! I love playing with the kids and it's so nice to get sooo many more ideas - things I hadn't even thought about! Haven't used sensory bins much and excited to start as well as adding movement into therapy sessions. So much AWESOME information!!."
"I felt like I was getting stuck in a rut & doing the same things over & over during sessions...but now I feel like I have tons of new ideas on how to use play from this course. It has also sparked my creativity!"
"I already use play based therapy with my clients, and am a huge advocate of this approach. I gained so many new ideas through this class. One of my takeaways is the importance of the parent interview to assess their expectations and understanding of my play based approach before beginning play based therapy. I often explain my purpose, but don't always get the parent's expectations related to this therapy approach."

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