What you didn't learn in Grad School

tips and tricks

Looking back to when we were fresh outta school has us thinking about what we really wished we had been taught about play-based therapy - before entering a room filled with toys, tools and materials!

5 main points come to mind and we want to see if any of these resonate with you! 


We wish we would have known that: 

  1. You can take a toy & use it multiple ways.
  2. You can easily elicit speech sound productions in play.
  3. You can take data in play based therapy.
  4. You can use play in group therapy. 
  5. Play based therapy reduces your prep time. 


Now, after a lot of learning and trial and error, we now not only know that these are facts, but we also have a solid understanding of how to do these things - and we want to teach YOU these skills! 

Check out the Ultimate Play Based Speech Therapy Course where we lay out all the facts, share all the tips, and empower young shift your mindset about what therapy can look like! Make sure to hop on the waitlist for Early Bird Pricing and tips and tricks delivered right to your mailbox!

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