Using Bath Toys in Speech Therapy
We use bath toys ALLLLL the time in our speech therapy sessions and here are some of our favourite ways on HOW!
1. Concepts: Model early concepts during water play. Targets can include: wet/dry, full/empty, in/out, and on/off.
2. Song Companions: Pair with songs or books - using them as play props! Songs you can use with bath toys include "5 Little Ducks", "Green and Speckled Frogs", and "Tiny Tim".
3. Go Fishing: Use a small bucket with a net. Work on basic concepts, negation, verbs, and sentence expansion!
4. Water Fight: Use the animals to squirt other animals. Target body parts, following directions, concepts, sentence expansion!
5. Guessing Game: Bring out a few toys and take turns describing and guessing the toy. Target describing, WH-Question, and themed vocabulary.
Looking for more ways to use your toys and games to target a variety of speech and language skills? You're in luck! Take our FREE online training to learn more! Watch it here.
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