How to Structure a Play Based Speech Therapy Session
A common question we get from our followers and Play Based Speech Therapy Course members is "How do you structure a play-based speech therapy session?"
The beauty of play-based speech therapy is that there is NO right way to structure your therapy sessions! Play-based speech therapy allows you to be flexible in what activities you use or choose not to use for the purposes of targeting your goals! We like to have a tentative plan for our sessions and particularly like using a 1) book, 2) movement activity, 3) game, and 4) sensory bin of some sort in our sessions BUT that doesn't mean we are glued to that pattern. Play-based speech therapy allows us to have the flexibility to follow our client's lead and spend time on the things that most interest and motivate them. They might end up using one of the activities we had planned for the entire session or none at all. What's nice is that play-based speech therapy takes little prep but having some structure for your sake and the child's sake is never a bad thing either! If you are just starting out with play-based approaches and are wanting some place to start, be sure to check out the handout below! This handout is designed to give you some ideas on how you can plan your sessions.
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