Favourite Surprise Toys to Use in Speech Therapy

toys in speech

We LOVE surprise toys for speech and language therapy!!! Any toy or resource with a surprise element is a win in our books! It was hard to narrow it down to just 5! The Learning Resource Surprise Party Presents and Sorting Surprise Picnic Baskets are commonly shared & LOVED but we wanted to share some that aren't as commonly talked about!

Let's check out our favourite surprise toys to use in speech therapy!

1. Learning Resources Ruff's House Teaching Tactile Set: Surprise toys can come in many shapes, sizes, and configurations! This little dog house is such a fun way to teach describing words as it provides you with various textured bones that you can match and give the puppy. You can also add any of your own objects or targets inside the dog house for the child to reach inside and feel around! Click HERE for the link!

2. Learning Resources Peek-a-Bird Learning Buddies: This is a NEW addition to our therapy room and it's a hit! Not only can you target emotions & feelings with this resource but you can also use the birds or other objects to hide in and around the bird houses (e.g., spatial concepts). You can also give different mini objects to the birds while targeting describing or following directions. It's a great set for travelling therapists! 

3. Learning Resources Hide-n-Go Moo: Another great surprise resource! This one resource provides you with opportunities to practice early symbolic sounds (e.g., moo, baa, neigh, etc.), same vs. different, small vs. big, verbs (pigs eat, horses run, ducks swim, etc.), spatial concepts (e.g., in the barn, on the barn, out of the barn, etc.) and expanding utterances... to name a few! Click HERE for the link!

4. Learning Resources Sort & Seek Polar Animals: How cute are these Polar Animals? ...Noticing a trend here? Haha! We didn't do this on purpose but Learning Resources is definitely a go to brand for our love for Surprise Toys! This new one doesn't disappoint! The little homes open and close allowing the animals to go in and out and mix up as need be! Click HERE for the link!

5. Babysaurs Sorting Set: Great addition to any dinosaur themed session! Click HERE for the link!

We would love to know what your favourite surprise toys are as well! Feel free to tag us @playbasedspeechtherapy - we always love hearing from you!

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