Benefits of Play Based Speech Therapy

tips and tricks Mar 02, 2022

As play based speech therapists, we can often get asked by professionals or parents: "why are you just playing?". We wanted to provide 6 benefits of play based speech therapy that you can use to explain the reasoning behind using purposeful play in your sessions. 

1. Builds on what the child knows: Children can build and layer their knowledge when exposed to activities that include familiar tasks, such as play. We see that children are more likely to participate and take risks in activities they are comfortable in!

2. Play is natural for children: We are firm believers that a child's work is play! Children thrive in activities that are appropriate for their age and developmental level. Allowing a child to engage their curiosity through hands on activities promotes learning! 

3. Play is engaging: Kids like attention. Play provides natural opportunities for reciprocal interactions which allow us to teach a variety of communication skills from infancy to childhood!

4. Play is fun: Kids love play! It is much easier to keep kids learning when they are having fun. We can also incorporate a child's interests into therapy this way, making it meaningful and motivating for them.

5. Play can happen anywhere: Children can play outside, inside, in the classroom , at the pool - literally anywhere! This makes it easier to work on therapy goals at anytime!

6. Parents can use activities at home: By watching therapists use common play activities, parents feel empowered to use the same activities at home to support their child.

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